On Thursday 22nd June year 1 went on a trip to Tesco. It may not sound very exciting but it was great fun as we were invited to look behind the scenes of the bakery. We found out that while we are tucked up in bed, the bakers are up by 3am making all the bread to be sold that day. They make an amazing 5000 rolls per day. During our time there we were lucky enough to make our own bread rolls.

First we all washed our hands. Then we put on our aprons and set to work. We mixed flour, water, salt, sugar and the magic ingredient yeast. We all had our own piece of dough and had to knead it. We then shaped our rolls and put them on the trays to be cooked.

The lovely ladies that helped us on the day delivered our bread to us in the afternoon. It smelled delicious.

“I put cheese and butter in mine” James

“I put cheese in mine, it tasted yummy” Zofia

“I put lots of butter on mine and shared it with my family” Daisy

“I had mine with humous” Jessica