Thursday 26th November

Due to the essential maintenance at the school you should work from home today. Here is the work for you to have a go at today. 

Please print the work out if you are able to, however if that is not possible then write your work on a sheet of paper. You should bring the work with you to school on Friday. 



Instead of Six A Day, spend 15 minutes on Timestables Rockstars. I have Challenged you all in the Rock Slam area of the game - I hope you all beat me! If you have 10 games on the Studio game then on Friday we will be able to look together at the times tables progress you have made over the last two weeks and set some targets for the next two weeks. 

TT Rockstars


Square Numbers

Watch this video from White Rose Maths to get yourself ready to learn about square numbers.

(You can follow this link below to find the slides about Square Numbers from the video.)

You might like to practice using some counters or other suitable resources you have at home to make your own arrays (an array is a way of sorting items into a specific shape or pattern, square number arrays are arranged in a square pattern).

Square Number Slide Show

You will need to open this Square Number Worksheet ready to answer some questions using what you learn. If you can, then print the sheet and work on it, if you cannot print, then write the work on a piece of paper ready to bring in on Friday. 

Square Number Worksheet


Topic - Ancient Greeks

We have been busy creating our own Acient Greek Tragedy play - The Crown of Sporta. The characters in the play are based on real people or real gods of Ancient Greece. I would like you to research these characters by looking them up and reading about them. Write down some information about each of the characters ready to bring in on Friday. You can print the page and work on that or you can write on your own sheet of paper. 

The second part of the task is to draw one of the characters and to say what they are doing in the picture - try to tell some information about the character in your drawing. 

Ancient Greeks Worksheet

You can also remind yourself about the story of The Crown of Sporta by clicking on the link below. 

The Crown of Sporta


Have a good day - this work should keep you busy but don't forget to enjoy your lunch. 


Mr Ward.