Thursday 30th April 2020

Good morning Year 4. I hope you got on well with the work from yesterday and are bright eyed and bushy tailed ready for your learning today.


I have received some great verses for your poems so far. Special mention must go to Alexia who has turned her verse into a rap, Gracie who has finished the whole poem with some terrific rhyming, and also to Millie who has highlighted the problem the wolf has in disguising his nose! Well done girls.

Once the poems are complete, please do send them to me and I will try and publish a Year 4 book of them.

So, today and Friday, we are going to work on the remaining verses. If you finish your poem today, you can publish on Friday.

Once again, if you are struggling with any of your verses (I haven’t had anyone send me their verses to work on today though), please do send them through to me and I will be happy to help. Again, I will post a help page on the answers page for adults to help you if you are struggling.


Today we are going to describe movements between positions on a 2D grid. All this means is that you need to be able to describe how to reach a shape from a given point. You will do this by turning right or left and moving a number of squares up or down. The work today is from TYM pg 122 and as usual there are 3 levels of challenge.


For science, we are continuing our theme of solids liquids and gasses.

You will need 3 flannels or 3 strips (of the same size) of a j-cloth.

Each cloth needs to be immersed in the same amount of water. A small cup would do to start with. You need to be careful not to use too much liquid, or it will drip all over your house!

Once you have wet the cloths, you need to find three different places to hang them. If you can, put one outside if the weather is dry, one in a cool dark space and another in an airing cupboard or warmer space.

You then need to monitor them over a period of time (say about 2 hours, possibly a little longer) every 15 minutes and see which one dries first. As with the last experiment, if you go back and they have all dried, you need to repeat the task and check more regularly.

At the start of the experiment, try and predict which cloth will dry first. What is the basis for your prediction?

When you have a result, was the cloth you predicted the first one dry? Why do you think this was?

What made a difference?

Please feel free to share your results with me and I will see if there are any trends.