Tuesday 12th May 2020

Good morning Year 4. I hope you all managed to see the video that was posted with our messages to you, following Miss Webster’s e-mail yesterday. We are all missing you very much.


I hope you managed to find something to write about for your recount today, following the headings from the BBC Bitesize link.

Attached is a WAGOLL to read before you write your own recount. Remember, your recount should be in the past tense and written in the first person (I, we). It uses lots of time connectives, focuses on key points, and as it is a diary entry it is quite informal.

I look forward to reading them, so please do e-mail me (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


I understand that the link for the maths did not work. I have checked it again and recopied, so here it is: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z7rcwmn/articles/z8dp8mn Hopefully this will work – it tells you about the different ways that data can be presented.

Today we will look at pictograms. You should be familiar with this type of presentation for data. In a pictogram, a picture is used to represent a number of items. For example, if you were investigating favourite pets, you might choose a dog to represent 2 choices. If an odd number of children chose dog, then you would simply halve the dog picture to show 1 choice. You have to be careful, though, how you allocate the number that the picture represents. Could you use a dog picture for 3 choices? Think carefully about your answer. Remember the pictogram needs to be easy to read.

There are 3 levels for challenge for today’s work. Each of them involves interpreting a pictogram.

Ch1                        Ch2                        Ch3


As promised, attached is the wordsearch for this week’s words.