Friday 15th May 2020

Good morning Year 4.


I hope your planning went well yesterday. Today you are going to write a newspaper article about Little Red Riding Hood’s adventure when she took the cakes to grandma. (If you have already written your report you can edit today).

Remember you can use the Little Miss Muffet WAGOLL for tips on how to complete the report. I have also attached another report for you to look at, which should also be familiar!

As the template I uploaded yesterday was a PDF, I have uploaded a word document today, which you could use to type your report directly if you wish.                                    

Follow this link for some top tips.

Yesterday you also looked at the difference between fact and opinion. For your newspaper article, ask someone in your family for their opinion of the facts, or the story itself. You can then include this in your report. Remember if you write down exactly what they say, you are providing a quote and this needs to have the correct speech punctuation.

If you are still struggling, I have posted a suggested report on the Pupil Zone answers page, so you can have a sneaky peek and magpie some ideas.


I have been very pleased to see improvements in the statistics for Year 4 times tables, especially in accuracy, so well done.

For your maths today, your work is to practise your times tables on TT Rockstars.

Also attached is a link to play a times table card game, which requires 2 players. See if you can beat your parents!

Next week is Art week, so look out for Monday’s post, which will give full details.

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe!