Monday 22nd June 2020

Good morning Year 4. I hope you’ve all had a great weekend and are ready to finish off the measures that we started last week, and also write your newspaper report about the aliens.


So, this week will culminate in the writing of your newspaper report. Last week, you made up some ‘alien’ words, found adjectives to describe aliens and prepared and answered interview questions as if you were the experts.

Today you will work from pages 10 and 11 of the booklet, predicting what an alien might do if they landed on Earth and then writing some headlines that match the pictures on the sheet.


Continuing with our measures, this is the next in the series of lessons from the Oak Academy. Today’s lesson is about working with money. You have already done some of this in class, but it is an important objective for Year 4, so it will be good to revisit it again.

An important skill for working with money, is being able to round up and adjust. So, for example, if something costs £3.98, you would round up to £4 to calculate in your head (mentally) and adjust the 2p difference at the end. This is something we have practised in arithmetic.

Here are some extra challenge cards.


We have now worked through the whole of the key words for Year 4, which have included homophones and words that have either a suffix or prefix added. In addition to knowing how to spell the words, it is important that you can use them in context in your sentences.

For the remainder of the term I want you to work on the Year 3-4 or 5-6 spelling cards, which I posted a few weeks ago. If you are still working on the first of the Year 3-4 cards, then you need to ‘get a wriggle on’ because a new set awaits you in Year 5!

Remember to look for patterns, words within words, break words down to help you remember how to spell them.