Monday 29th June 2020

Good morning Year 4. Well, here we are again on the last Monday of June 2020, and July will soon be upon us! I hope you’ve had a great weekend and managed to dodge the showers.


As mentioned last week, as the newspaper report comprises quite a few paragraphs, I have given you until Wednesday to complete your report. You have a WAGOLL to help you and also my outline planning for you to adapt. Remember, if you would like me to review your planning, please forward it to my e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


In your maths lesson today, you will be buying fruit and calculating with money. The worksheets remind you about adding, subtracting and multiplying before keeping a running total. The lesson can be found here:


I hope you have been working on your spelling card. Remember there are 6 cards to complete of Year 3-4 words and you will have 6 more cards of Year 5-6 words when you get back in September, so please make sure that you are getting yourselves in a good position ready for the start of Year 5.

Tomorrow, I will be giving you an art challenge.