Monday 6th July 2020

Good morning Year 4 and welcome to the Socks Olympic Week!

As well as setting work for English and Maths this week, there are some activities linked to the Socks Olympics – timed because this week would have been Sports Day. There are also some physical sports activities for you to complete, all you need is a pair of socks! If you send in your scores to me (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) giving me your house name and score, they will be compiled and the winner announced at a later date.


Today’s English lesson is a focus on Spelling and Grammar – using expanded noun phrases (which you are already familiar with) and more practise using conjunctions, both in the context of a diary entry. The lesson can be found here:


Today your lesson is on 2D shapes.

As I mentioned last week, these lessons are a recap. If you are happy with identifying them and being able to list the properties, then you can choose an alternative lesson from the Shape and Symmetry unit.

Sock Olympics

Details of the week’s activities can be found here.