Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)


How does the school know if children/ young people need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?

The team at Ladbrooke JMI build close, supportive relationships with all our children. We strive to work closely with parents and families. Identifying the need for additional help can occur through:

  • Concerns raised by parents, carers, teachers and the children regarding a child’s social or physical development, emotional well-being or academic progress.
  • Teachers continually monitoring children through day to day lessons, assessment weeks and pupil progress meetings.
  • Where progress and attainment are significantly below age related expectations.
  • Changes in pupil progress or behaviour.
  • If you, as a parent have concerns, you should meet with your child’s class teacher where appropriate. Concerns may be referred to the SENDCO.

How will school staff support my child?

It is the teacher’s responsibility to provide for children with SEND in his/her class and to follow the school’s procedures for identifying, assessing and making provision to meet those needs.

  • Quality first class teaching in all classes.
  • Adapted teaching in lessons.
  • Targeted interventions following specialist advice, e.g. Speech and Language.
  • In school interventions overseen by the class teacher and delivered by a teaching assistant or teacher in a small focus group or occasionally on a 1:1 basis.
  • Monitoring of behaviours or academic performance in pupil notes- monitoring impact of strategies.
  • Referral by the SENDCO to specific external agencies.
  • Appropriate specialist equipment, e.g. writing slopes.
  • Parents will be fully involved at every stage

How will I know how my child is doing?

Ladbrooke JMI has an 'open door' policy and encourages ongoing communication to ensure effective partnership.

  • Informal meetings with class teacher at the end of the school day.
  • Parent Consultations (Autumn and Spring Term).
  • Annual end of year report in the Summer Term.
  • Liaison and meetings with outside agencies.
  • Contact with the SENDCO.

How will the learning and development provision be matched to my child’s needs?

Led by the teacher's detailed assessment and experience of the child, through knowing the child well and listening to both the child's and parent's views.

  • Quality first teaching.
  • Careful planning to meet the needs of all children, offering both challenge and support
  • Identified gaps will be targeted through the use of Assess, Plan, Do Review sheets which identify the gap (ASSESS), identify how the child will be supported to close the gap (PLAN), ensure time is allocated to support child (DO) and evaluate the success (REVIEW)
  • Small group or 1:1 intervention with focused children led by both teacher and TA.
  • Regular assessment through daily lessons, school tracking systems and pupil progress meetings
  • Where specialist advice has been received, this will be embedded into the school day                                       

What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?

All staff are here to provide support for children's social, emotional and mental health needs. The school has high expectations with regard to our behaviour policy. The school behaviour policy is published on the school website www.ladbrooke.herts.sch.uk

  • Positive relationships with parents, school and children.
  • Links with local family support services who offer support programmes for families 
  • Access to Educational Psychologist consultations, Art/Play therapist and counsellor for identified children.
  • Members of staff are trained in Draw and Talk Therapy
  • Buddy system in place on playground for identified children to support social interaction.
  • Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) is integral to the curriculum and taught explicitly on a regular basis.
  • The SENDCo is able to run a number of Nurture Programmes, where appropriate
  • The school’s Behaviour policy includes guidance on high expectations, rewards and sanctions- understood and in place by all staff.
  • Relevant staff are trained to support medical needs and in some cases all staff receive training, e.g. epi-pen, asthma, first aid.
  • Pupil views are gathered through discussion with them and through anonymous questionnaires.
  • Additional support from specialist staff is arranged as needed for individual pupils both in and out of the classroom.
  • Impact of social media and danger of cyber-bullying is taken very seriously. Regular information evenings are offered to all parents regarding keeping our children safe on-line.
  • School annually updates the safeguarding checklist (see also our Safeguarding policy).
  • School adheres to the statutory guidance 'Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions'.
  • All medication is kept in a secure place and is only administered by designated people.
  • Individual Health Care Plans are written for children with medical conditions and shared with all staff that work with the child, including lunchtime staff.

What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the school?

Ladbrooke JMI has a dedicated SENDCo. Staff have undergone training in different areas of SEND to develop specialisms.  This ensures there is a wide range of skills and expertise along with the ability to lead specialist intervention programmes. The school works closely with a variety of outside agencies to support the needs of children. These include:

  • Educational Psychologist (EP)
  • Outreach Support for specific needs including Autism, Down's Syndrome.
  • Hertsmere School Partnership provide support for children and families facing emotional, social and mental health needs.
  • Specialist health services are accessed to support children in school such as:
  • Speech and Language Therapy (SLT)
  • School nurse.
  • Art therapy/counselling.
  • After discussions with the Class Teacher and parents, children may be referred to external professionals, where criteria is met.
  • Parents may also access some services through their GP, for example, the ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) clinic, Occupational Therapy (OT), Physiotherapy, CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service).

What training have the staff, supporting children and young people with SEND, had or are having?

We have three designated members of staff (DSL - Designated Safeguarding Lead and DDSL - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) responsible for safeguarding concerns. All staff and governors are trained in safeguarding. In addition:

  • The school provides both in school and external training and support to enable all staff to best support and improve the teaching and learning of all children including those with SEND. This includes whole school training on SEND issues. 
  • Our SENDCO attends regular SEND updates and has close links with the local SEND Cluster group.
  • Our SENDCO is a qualified and experienced teacher.
  • We are fortunate to have a teacher on staff with a SpLD (Specific Learning Difficulties) qualification who provides support and advice to class teachers in this area.
  • We have a nominated lead for children looked after and a governor who oversees this role.  Training on children looked after has been undertaken
  • We have a nominated lead for Autism and for mental health

How will you help me to support my child’s learning?

Information leaflets are handed out each term by class teachers so that parents are informed which topics will be covered. A meeting is held for all parents at the beginning of each new year group. In addition:

  • Annual Phonics evenings are offered to all parents
  • Parents are invited to work alongside their child during open classroom events
  • The school's website provides links for parents to access resources to keep their own skills and knowledge up to date
  • Parenting courses accessed through the Herts Local Offer

How will I be involved in discussions and planning for my child’s education?

  • Parents and the children themselves are involved at every stage.
  • The class teacher is available to discuss your child’s progress, any concerns you may have and to share what is working well at home and at school, so that consistent strategies are employed. Meetings can be arranged by telephoning the school office or via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • The SENDCo is available to meet with you to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns/ worries you may have. You can contact her via the school office (01707 652882) or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • External professionals will meet directly with a parent when at all possible. Where this is not possible, a report will be provided and the SENDCo will be available to discuss this with you.
  • For children looked after (CLA) parents will be involved in PEP (personal education plan) meetings where discussions will be held to ensure each child is making good progress
  • For children with more complex needs, an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) may be written. This is a statutory document which ensures your child receives the provision they need and that their parent’s wishes are taken into account.
  • Homework will be adjusted as needed to suit your child’s individual requirements.
  • A home - school link book may be used to support communication with you when this has been agreed to be useful.
  • Careful transition meetings are planned to support parents in the process of preparing and applying for secondary schools.
  • Parents are represented on the school governing body and there is also a very active PTA in the school called the 'FOLS' (Friends of Ladbrooke School)

How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?

For all school trips a risk assessment is undertaken to ensure that each child is kept safe. All children with  SEND are included on all school trips and when appropriate additional staff are deployed.

  • Our Equality/ Inclusion policy promotes involvement of all learners in all aspects of the curriculum, including activities outside the classroom.
  • School trips will always be discussed with individual parents where necessary to cover all the practicalities.
  • Appropriate provision and reasonable adjustments will be made where necessary dependent on the child’s needs.
  • Medical support will be put in place where necessary (see Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions policy).

How accessible is the school environment?

  • The school is fully compliant with the Equality Act 2010 and reasonable adjustments are made for all children with SEND as necessary.
  • The building is wheelchair accessible and has disabled changing and toilet facilities.
  • Every classroom is fitted with a sound system to support children with hearing loss
  • Specialised equipment is provided where appropriate for children with SEND and advice is sought from the appropriate medical/health professionals to ensure all children's health and physical needs are catered for within the school environment. 
  • Please refer to the school accessibility plan and equality scheme for more information.

Who can I contact for further information?

  • In the first instance, parents are always encouraged to contact their child’s class teacher about any issues or concerns.
  • The SENDCO, Mrs Bedford and our Head Teacher, Miss Webster are available for further information or to discuss the needs of your child.
  • The school’s SEND Governor, Mrs Corke is also available for advice and guidance as appropriate.
  • At county level, the SEND Officer, is available for further advice and to administer EHC plans.

How will the school prepare and support my child to join the school, transfer to a new school or the next stage of education and life?

  • Our school works closely with all settings at time of transition. We have meetings with parents before children enter the school system. Extra visits to school, and home visits, can be arranged for parents of children with SEND.
  • The school/SENDCo will communicate with other settings, such as pre schools, where there are identifed needs
  • We also have strong links with our local secondary schools to ensure smooth transition and transfer of relevant information. We hold meetings with Year Seven tutors to discuss individual children’s needs. 
  • Additional visits to their new school and transition programmes are available for identified children in Year Six.
  • Each year, your child's class teacher and the SENDCo will ensure that their new teacher is fully aware of your child's specific needs.

How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?

  • The budget for SEND is decided by the Head teacher and Governing Body. Within the budgetary constraints,   support is allocated according to the level of need. This includes provision targeted at specific groups such as   Pupil Premium.
  • Funding is used to employ Learning Support Assistants who are working with identified children with SEND, to purchase specialist equipment, books or stationary and to provide training for staff. In exceptional                circumstances, additional funding can be applied for for individual children.

How is the decision made about how much support my child will receive?

  • At Ladbrooke, termly pupil progress meetings are held between the Head teacher, class teacher, relevant  Learning Support Assistants and SENDCo. Additional support and provision is discussed and agreed.
  • Staff use Assess, Plan, Do, Review (ADPR) sheets to monitor progress of specific areas of need and to help decide if on-going or additional support is needed.
  • The views of the pupil and parents are very much taken in to account. If a child is unhappy with a particular     provision, or it is simply not working for them, we will try something else.          
  • The amount and type of support offered to a child is determined by the child's needs, pupil's views and parental views. In addition, budgetary and time constraints, as well as staff available, will need to be taken in to consideration. 
  • All provision will be carefully monitored and their impact measured.

How can I find information about the Local Authority’s Local Offer of services and provision for children and young people with special educational needs and disability?

Information on the Hertfordshire Local Education Authority offer can be found at:


Reviewed July 2024